Happy New Year and welcome to The Wrap Group! I’m Carol Huisman, Wiz on Ravelry. Mostly retired, I just love making things. My DH and I moved back to Iowa two years ago after living in Kansas City for 16 years. There, I worked at a LYS and revived my interest in knitting after a long hiatus. I taught myself to knit from the encyclopedia when I was about twelve years old. No one in my family knit, and I have no idea why I thought I needed to. Unfortunately, I couldn’t master binding off, so I just kept knitting. It was a VERY long scarf! Luckily an older friend took me under her wing and taught me how to bind off, as well as other tips that kept me knitting. Later, as a mom, I taught my three sons to knit, then quilting took over my life for a lot of years.
My background is that of an art teacher, with a lifelong love of color and fiber. Moderation has never been my strong suit so I knit like I do everything else - with passion! My friends here at Knitted Together know how crazy I am about knitting shawls, wraps, scarves, etc. I get to try out all kinds of yarns with fairly quick results. My favorite patterns involve some stitch variety, and my favorite yarns have color and texture changes to keep this ADD knitter entertained.
Come along with me as we enjoy a year of knitting wraps: shawls, stoles, cowls, scarves - whatever. We’ll offer a new pattern on the first Friday of every other month - not every month, because, after all, we have lots of other projects on the needles, don’t we? I’ll be blogging about the current pattern and I’ll look forward to hearing about your progress in the comment section. If you can join us, we’ll be knitting together at the shop every Friday, 1-3 PM. Feel free to drop in, especially on the first Friday of the pattern cycle, and I’ll be glad to help you pick out yarn, get started, and offer some hints.
Our first pattern is a free one! It's available here and on Ravelry: The 5th Avenue Infinity Scarf by Margaux Pena from tentenknits. On the fall fashion runways, Infinity Scarves were everywhere. They’re just a loop of fabric to be worn loose or wrapped around the neck for a cowl effect.

For some unknown reason, I made my first one using a size 9 needle instead of the recommended size 8, and 5 skeins of Noro Silk Garden, so it loops around my neck twice for the warmest, coziest thing ever, absolutely perfect for the winter we’re already having here in Iowa. I then made one according to the pattern for my DIL for Christmas. Lovely! My latest is also according to the pattern, using 4 skeins of Silk Garden. I think this would be fabulous in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, Misti Alpaca Tonos Worsted, or any soft worsted weight yarn. We always urge you to support your bricks-and-mortar local yarn shop, but if they don’t have what you need, you can order online from Knitted Together or call and Nancy and her staff will fix you up with whatever you need.
Until next time, knit on!