Tim is golfing the City Tournament today at Waveland Golf Course. It's currently 91 degrees, humid, and very breezy. Hmmmm ... I'm sure glad I'm at the shop in the air conditioning where I can knit when I'm not busy!
At the shop Jean has gotten me interested in knitting stuffed animals. We are currently working our way through the Dangercraft animal and monster patterns! If you haven't ever seen any of her creatures, you must check them out. I've knitted Greta the Captivating Cat and you can find her (as well as Jean's Greta) on display at the shop. We have decided to knit a bunch of critters and display them at the shop. Our goal is to have an entire menagerie!
Greta was so much fun to knit and even the assembly was simple to complete. Jean found great instructions on Mochimochi Land for attaching the arms, tail, and ears, so that all went really slick (and you can't even tell they are sewn on)! Jean is planning on teaching Greta this summer, so watch our website for class info.
I promise I will find a good recipe for my next blog. I'm not working next week (can I say I'm excited?!) and will test a couple of new recipes on the family!
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