Our hearts have been broken for the people of Japan. We can only imagine the pain and fear that they are living through right now with the earthquake, tsunami, and escalating nuclear disaster. Tim and I always say knitting has health benefits that can help knitters through stress and crisis. Well, in this case our good friend, Hey Jen Renee, has knitted this gorgeous wrap from Noro Taiyo that she bought at Knitted Together. She placed her wrap on ebay to auction it off to raise money for the Red Cross Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami disaster relief efforts. Her beautiful gift of knitting will help the people of Japan in their time of crisis!
Be sure to check out Hey Jen Renee's blog and click on the ebay link to the auction. And if you are so led, please bid on her wrap, so that her small knitted act of kindness can give to Japan in a big way!
Keep on knitting, with a prayer for Japan in your heart!
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